Modern Slavery Statment
Ferguson Recruitment recognises that modern slavery and human trafficking could be potential risks to our business. We are committed to working with all organisations that take the issue as seriously as we do and who share our goal to reduce and eliminate this threat in the UK. Integrity is one of our core values.
We have strict policies and procedures in place to ensure the consistent monitoring of our workforce for the signs of human trafficking and labour exploitation. These checks are paramount to allowing us to investigate and identify exploitation at the earliest possible stage.
From the moment a potential worker chooses to join Ferguson Recruitment the checks begin. These continue throughout the worker’s time with us. At the time of registration, the identification and ‘right to work’ checks are conducted. This ensures that the worker has control of their own documentation and that their job expectations are managed effectively.
Within 2017 our robust Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy has resulted in continued increased understanding and increased awareness across both the Company and our staff & clients. Internally, information surrounding the Act has been regularly circulated amongst all employees and continues to be a key part of our induction processes for new staff. In addition, our zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery has been communicated to all suppliers, contractors and business partners at the outset of our business relationship with them and reinforced as necessary.​​​
We are confident that we have the right checks in place to minimise the risk of human trafficking and labour exploitation taking place within our company. However, should our business be infiltrated, we are able to react quickly and efficiently to resolve every case, every time. This response is due to the knowledge and experience held by the Compliance team, the awareness levels of the wider team members, and the relationships we hold with the relevant government authorities.
Reece Fairbrother & Daniel Bishop
Directors of Ferguson Recruitment Limited